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Inquiring minds shall acknowledge and understand that: 

“אין מוקדם או מאוחר בתורה” 

It is important to know that the Torah is not written in sequence or chronological order.

Researching and writing these Torah teachings and personal Hashkafot (points of view) has been a humbling learning experience. I know that it will shape my future experiences in life of Torah and beyond. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to many rabbis, scholars, authors, friends and families who guided me through this holy and profound journey into our Torah’s past, present and future. Most of this book is my own writings and learning, accompanied by quotes and excerpts from many sources of holy writings.

This book and writings meant to help shed some light, knowledge and insight about our divine Torah teachings and her deep meanings, secrets, messages and codes.


Thses are not an Halacha books.

I hope you too will find it useful and enlightening, as I did from others.

I would also like to thank my Rabbis, my Chavrutah Rabbi Meir Roth (Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s grandson), my Partners in Torah Chavrutaha aka (the P.I.T) a group of dear individuals who always “Made Times for Torah” (immense Mitzvah). They thought me so much, merely by asking and challenging my learning and teachings. They never “gave up” until my answers satisfied all their spiritual and intellectual needs and understandings. They showed up to the weekly Shiurim “rain or shine” every week. A special thanks to Mr. & Mrs Selwyn Hilary Isakow (Partners In Torah & Shabbat Project founders), Mr. & Mrs. Bernie & Zehavit Baruch, Mr. & Mts. Barry Schochet (the General), Mr. Sean & Mrs. Lorreta Levi (dearest friends), Mr. & Mrs. Pinchas & Erika Nissanoff (Adat Yeshurun founders), Mr. & Mrs. Dov (Bertie) ZT”L & Jackie Woolf. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Greenblatt (the Zionists), Mr. Michel (Arturo) Yehuda Ben Avraham ZT”L (the hero), and Mr. & Mrs.  Kahanah, Efraim Ben Devorah ZT”L (the Tzadik) and all my Chavrutahs.  Additionally, I owe gratitude to my family, my friends and many Rabbis who studied with me and taught me.  A special thanks to the members of the Sephardic UC community, especially to Mr. & Mrs. Morris & Evelyn Derey & Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Baruch who through their generosity and Chesed, ensured and maintained Torah learning in the SD Sephardic community and our Kollel A’Havat Israel. To many friends in La Jolla and worldwide, to Rabbis in Jerusalem, Tzefat, Beni Brak, Rechasim, Rechovot, Mexico, Miami, S. Africa, Monsey, Brooklyn, NY, L.A. and all over Israel and the world, I deeply thank you all for your assistance, teachings and friendship.

Their presence was and is a vital and empowering influence both on my book and my life.

Deep gratitude for the teaching of:

גדולי המפרשים

Rabbi Chizkuni -רבי חיזקוני, Rabbi Chaya - רבי חײא, Ba’al Haturim - רבי יעקב בן אשר

Rashi - רבי שלמה יצחקי

רמב”ם, רשב”י ,רמב”ן, האריז”ל, הגאון מווילנה, בן איש-חי, החפץ חיים, וחז”ל 


Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Z’TL, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, Rabbi Mutzafi, Rabbi Shlomo Bussu, HaMekubal Harv Eliyahu Netaneli


 Rabbi Zalman Manela - רבי זלמן מנילה          Rabbi Baruch Rosenbloom - רבי ברוך רוזנבלום

 Harav Meir Eliyahu - הרב מאיר אליהו                       Rabbi Ofer Erez - רבי עופר ארז

The Greats:

  Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Z’TL, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky “Sar HaTorah”, HaMekubal Harv Eliyahu Netaneli, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, Rabbi Erez Malka, Rabbi Mutzafi, Rabbi Shlomo Bussu, Rabbi Zalman Manela, Rabbi Mair Roth, Harav Meir Eliyahu Rabbi Ofer Erez, Rabbi Baruch Rosenbloom, Rabbi Erez Malka, Rabbi Weismandel, Rabbi David Feinstein, Rabbi Chaim Hollander, HaRav Bar-Ami,  Rabbi Hershel Schachter Rabbi Shalom Shabazi, Rabbi Nathan Merel, Rabbi Yehuda Assaf, Rabbi Mair Roth (my Chavrutah), Rabbi Michael Dov Weismandel, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, Rabbi Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi Meir Simcha, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, Rabbi Benjamin Blech. Rabbi H. Friedman Menachim, Z. Shimanowitz, Rabbi Frand, Rabbi Natan Maimon, Rabbi Yosef Carmel, Rabbi Stuart Grant, Jen T. Friedman, Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok, Rabbi Nota Schillre,Rabbi Aharon Wechselstein… and many others! 

לעילוי נשמות הוריי - מוריי ואחיי

“ניסים ורחל דהן ז"ל”

“מאיר אברהם ויעקב דהן ז"ל”

שישה מליון נרצחי השואה

  חלליי מלחמות ישראל ופעולות האיבה


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