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Become a Legacy Sponsor Donate an Eternal Gift to the Jewish Brothers & Sisters
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Bestow a lasting, personal legacy you’ll be proud of forever.  Help our Organization and our Kollel and its outreach Jewish programs, do more! Make a charitable bequest in your will to NESS HATORAH ORG. Our programs

We seek several matching sponsors at $50,000 to $100,0000 to encourage more donors and participants. Please contact us directly at: to discuss privately.

With HaShem’s help, we have been independently building out these three pillars for the past 11 years with the kind help of very few. We are now humbly asking for new sponsors and for your ongoing support, as we need your help. Your support ensures our growth and ability to continue the important activities of TORAH, AVODAH, and GEMILUT CHASADIM for the benefit of the Jewish community, irrespective of affiliation or levels of observance. These are auspicious times, and we need to do more.


Your present will ensure a direct partnership and eternal rewards in this life and the life in O'lam Ha'Ba of all Torah learned in our Kollel and organization. Insure and leave vibrant Jewish education tomorrow for Jewish ws across the world for generations to come B'H.

“עֵץ חַיִּים הִיא לַמַּחֲזִיקִים בָּהּ. וְתמְכֶיהָ מְאֻשָּׁר”

״וִיבָרְכוּ שֵׁם כְּבוֹדֶךָ וּמְרוֹמַם עַל כָּל בְּרָכָה וּתְהִלָּה״


See the difference we bring to Torah and Chesed!


Dearest friends and supporters: "Wherever you find yourself along your Jewish journey, and whether you are affiliated or unaffiliated, let Ness HaTorah Organisation & Kollel be your vibrant source for Torah and Chesed.

“The world stands upon three pillars: upon TORAH, upon AVODAH (the Mikdash Service), and upon GEMILUT HASADIM (the practice of acts of piety).” (Pirke Avot 2:2)

 עַל שְׁלשָׁה דְבָרִים הָעוֹלָם עוֹמֵד, עַל הַתּוֹרָה וְעַל הָעֲבוֹדָה וְעַל גְּמִילוּת חֲסָדִים

See the impact we have been making on Torah and Chesed:

TORAH ― Through our KOLLEL AHAVAT ISRAEL, we are personally teaching Torah and Halakhah throughout several cities, whilst reaching more than 260,000 viewers online (having already an easily-accessible online library of more than 800 recorded classes).

➢ We need 18 sponsors at $180 a month to help our Kollel Ahavat Israel to continue disseminating more Torah learning to all, in person and online.

With HaShem’s help, for the past eleven years we have reached this far almost independently.

Now, we urgently need your help!

AVODAH ― Through our HELPING-HANDS INITIATIVE, we have helped more than 123 Yeshivah families in desperate need. These families include 11 orphans and more than 80 children.

➢ We need 10 sponsors at $360 a month to increase the ability of our Helping-Hands Initiative to help feed and clothe Torah-learning orphans, children, and families in dire need.

GEMILUT CHASADIM ― Through our JEWISH PATIENTS ADVOCACY, we have sponsored and supported more than 61 Jewish families with all of their needs. Such families visit the

United States as organ donor recipients and stay in the U.S. for more than a year. We are currently sponsoring 12 Israeli patients in the San Diego metropolitan area (7 of whom have already received heart and lung transplants, and 5 of whom are waiting for organ transplants); 4 more patients whom we are sponsoring are arriving this month.

➢ We need 8 donors at $720 a month to increase our Jewish Patients Advocacy for Israeli organ donor recipients in the San Diego metropolitan area.

Kindly make your Tax Deductible donation, today. All donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated.

  • Secure Torah and Jewish education

  • With a Residuary gifting, you designate a percentage of your estate to NESS HATORAH ORG.

  • With an Outright Gifting, you leave a specific dollar amount or a specific asset, like securities or real estate, to NESS HATORAH ORG.

  • After your prolong passing, 120 B"H, your trustee will transfer the bequest money or real estate to NESS HATORAH ORG.

  • Gifting are revocable and can be changed or modified during your lifetime

  • Your fitting will relieve the tax burden on your family

  • This is the most effective way to gain Mitzvot and leave a wonderful blessed  Jewish legacy

  • An inheritance, endowment, gift  giving will not cost you anything during your lifetime

Guiding Principles

  • Create an extended Jewish community  where each member matters

  • Inspire and motivate Jewish learning for all ages

  • Infuse Kindness, Tzedakah, Torah, and a love for Israel and our neighbors in all that we do

  • Maintain a warm, safe and welcoming environment where each of us feels at home

  • Provide meaningful insight to each of our classes through Torah and Jewish education

  • Whether you're Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, unaffiliated or somewhere in between, the Kollel is your most vibrant source for Jewish learning in San Diego.

  • Patients Advocacy Services


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